Rent a Storage Unit in Orangeville to Ease into a Minimalist Lifestyle

Rent a Storage Unit in Orangeville to Ease into a Minimalist Lifestyle

By John Doe

Minimalism focuses on eliminating excess. It’s often thought of as a style choice that emphasizes simplicity. But while this can be true, minimalism can be much more than just an aesthetic. The minimalist lifestyle has been known to free people from distractions, time-wasting activities, and things that might otherwise weigh them down. However, it can be daunting to get started. You may think you need to donate or trash everything you own except the essentials, but you can approach a minimalist lifestyle in whatever way makes you feel comfortable. 

One great way to explore this lifestyle is to rent a storage unit and store items that you aren’t ready to part with.Bluebird Self Storage offers a high-value, hassle-free self storage experience for Orangeville, ON residents like you that are looking to adopt minimalism.

The Benefits of Minimalism

Before boxing everything up, you will want to understand the positive benefits of minimalism. It is a philosophy that is popular for many reasons. 

Minimalism is Easy on the Wallet 

Minimalism is great for those on a budget. This lifestyle encourages people to forgo anything unnecessary so that impulse purchases will be a thing of the past. Instead, only practical and essential items are bought. You can definitely look forward to saving some serious money if you practice minimalism!

It Keeps Your Home Tidy

You may find minimalism to be useful if you struggle with organization. Since there’s no place for junk in a minimalist’s home, it’s easier to maintain a space with less clutter. Everything will have a place, and it will be easier to keep up with clutter since excess won’t accumulate. 

Minimalism Offers Freedom

The minimalist philosophy can encourage people to not only eliminate extra things but also cut out activities and habits that don’t add to their life. By freeing you from things that drain you mentally, it can also help lead you to a more purposeful life. Many minimalists feel that the lifestyle has helped them to focus on the things that really matter to them.

Why Aspiring Minimalists Should Rent a Storage Unit in Orangeville


The short answer is anything that isn’t necessary to their day-to-day lives. However, once a minimalist decides to rent a storage unit, the specific items that are defined as essential and unessential are going to vary from person to person. Some examples of items that might be marked for storage include: 


Many minimalists will put their winter coats away during the summer months, and keep sundresses and shorts in storage when the weather cools down. Clothes that are ill-fitting or outdated, but have value, nostalgic or otherwise, may also be stored. 

Duplicate Items

Whether you're gifted a blender when you already own one, or you replace a lost book only to find the original later on, sometimes people wind up with multiples of the same item. Of course, they will only need one in their daily life. In these situations, it’s often wise to avoid throwing away the extra and keep it in storage instead. This way, there will still be a spare if the original breaks. 

Note: Only save duplicates of items you use often and have. If you want to practice minimalism it is not recommended to intentionally purchase duplicates - this is not in line with minimalism. 

Items that are Rarely Used

Anything that hasn’t been used for several months or more is a good candidate for storage unit rental. It will still be there if it’s needed in the future, but it will be kept out of the way since it is clearly not necessary most days. 

Note: If you haven’t used the item in over a year or more, consider donating or tossing it out. 

Keepsakes and Memorabilia 

There are plenty of items that have sentimental value but no practical use. These may be things such as children’s artwork, old trophies, home videos, souvenirs, etc. Typically, there will be no need to keep these on hand, but even a minimalist may not want to throw away things that have an emotional attachment. A self storage unit allows these important items to still be in your life without reducing them to clutter. 

Note: Some have more items they are emotionally attached to than others. Make sure you have an audit system in place and regularly review your items to see if they are still relevant and essential to you. 

Why Choose Bluebird Self Storage? 

If you’re looking to start implementing a minimalist lifestyle in the Orangeville, Ontario area, you will benefit from Bluebird’s self storage facility. It’s important that all storage unit needs are met when choosing where to keep belongings long-term. At Bluebird Self Storage, we offer a hassle-free, high-value experience at every one of our storage locations. Some benefits of renting from one of our many storage facilities include:

A Range of Storage Unit Sizes

Bluebird Self Storage offers different storage unit sizes. These include small, medium, and large storage unit options with varying square footage within each category. 

Climate-Controlled Units

Some items may be disproportionately affected by extreme heat and cold. Many basic storage units have no heating or cooling options, so the weather outside will affect the items inside. However, Bluebird Self Storage allows patrons to rent a climate-controlled storage unit at many of their facilities, like in Orangeville, Ontario!

7-Day Money Back Guarantee

Bluebird Self Storage is a great option for any budding minimalist that is on the fence about investing in a storage unit. This is because there is a money-back guarantee for the first week. If you are unsatisfied, a full refund is available within the first 7 days. 

No Rent Increases for 365 Days

At Bluebird, we believe in being consistent with our pricing. That’s why we won’t raise your rent for at least 365 days from your move-in date. There are no dupes, or fine print when it comes to our pricing. Many facilities offer below-market prices so that they can secure the sale – but don’t actually plan on locking in these rates. These bait-and-switch tactics end up costing you more money in the long run. We also believe that being upfront about pricing is just the right thing to do! 

If you're ready to start your minimalism journey and explore self storage solutions in Orangeville, contact Bluebird Self Storage today! We would be happy to help you find the perfect storage unit for your needs. Download our Ultimate Packing & Storing Guide to get you started.

Frequently Asked Self Storage Questions

What size storage unit is right for me?

Finding the right storage unit depends on the number of possessions you plan on storing at our facility. The more items you have, the more space you’ll need. At every Bluebird facility, we offer units ranging from below 5’ x 5’ to 10’ x 30’ or even larger, so you can find the right amount of storage space. To find the right unit size, explore our Storage Unit Size Guide or read this resource to see which unit fits your needs best.

Can I buy boxes and packing supplies at Bluebird?

Yes! If you’re about to move into a storage unit, our facility offers moving and storage supplies that help protect your belongings. Our supplies range from boxes, packing tape, mattress and furniture covers, and so much more!

How long can I rent a unit?

We don’t have any long-term agreements at Bluebird, so you can rent your unit for as little as a month or two or upwards of a year if you’d like! If circumstances change, we can always extend or shorten your storage stay with us.

How do I access my storage unit?

You, selected family, and any business associates can access your local facility by using our secure keypad entry using a personal security code. Individual units are protected by a lock that is only accessible by the customer. Only contacts you authorize will be able to access your unit.

Typical daily access hours are from 6AM - 11PM, so you can always access your stuff when you need it. Check with the location nearest you for more information about access hours.


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