Covid-19 Precautions

Valued Customers: Here Are the Precautions We Are Taking To Keep You Safe From Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The health and safety of our employees and customers is of utmost importance to us at Bluebird Self Storage. We have implemented several precautionary measures and practices related to COVID-19 and closely monitor updates from the Public Health Agency as well as local and provincial authorities. We will continue to modify these precautions and policies as needed to address the threat of COVID-19.

Health & Safety

We routinely clean and disinfect frequently handled areas of our property, including keypads, door handles, counters, and other fixtures. Our employees have been advised to wash their hands frequently for a minimum of 20 seconds or to use hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol. They have also been urged to cover all coughs and sneezes with disposable tissue. Employees must monitor their symptoms before coming to work and stay home if they are ill. If an employee becomes ill while at work, they are sent home immediately. Employees who are ill are required to stay home until they are symptom-free without medication for 72 hours.

In the event that we are alerted that a store office has been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19, we will follow local and provincial guidelines, including immediately closing the office until we can have it properly cleaned and sanitized.

Contact-Free Interaction Options

We are one of the few storage companies that offer online and phone alternatives to personal interaction. We believe in great face-to-face customer service, but if you prefer not to interact with us in person during this time, contact us here.

In some scenarios where our offices may be small, or there is an elevated risk in the community, we ask you to transact with us one at a time or without entering the office. As an alternative, please consider using our online and phone methods for renting storage units, making payments, or contacting us for information.

Online Rentals

Rent a storage unit online and get instant access here.

Store Closings

We will make every effort to keep our stores open in a safe manner. Many of our customers depend on accessing their storage units for supply chain continuity.